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Table 2 Ethogram of general, playing, feeding and post-feeding behaviors

From: Pain behaviors before and after treatment of oral disease in cats using video assessment: a prospective, blinded, randomized clinical trial





Position in the cage (D)



Pawing (D)

Eating food (D)

Grooming (D)


No pawing (no interest) (D)

Not eating food (D)

Lip licking (D)

Attention to the surroundings (D)


 Looking around front of the cage

No pawing but attention to ribbon (D)

Tongue flicking (D)

Mouth pawing (D)

 Not looking around front of the cage

No pawing but attention to observer (D)

Vocalization (meowing) (F)

No grooming, mouth pawing, lip licking (D)

Activity (F)


 Pawing the face

No pawing with looking away from ribbon (D)

Growling (F)

Tongue flicking (D)

 Not pawing the face

Chewing ribbon (D)

Jaw quivering (F)

Teeth chattering (F)

 Lip licking

Grabbing ribbon in mouth (F)

Ptyalism (F)

Jaw quivering (F)



Difficulty grasping food (F)

Mouth opening (F)



Dropping food (F)

Head shaking (F)



Head shaking (F)

Yawning (F)

 Tongue flicking


Tongue flicking (F)

Vocalization (F)

Movement (D)




Mouth opening (F)

Swallowing (F)



Yawning (F)

Tongue flicking (cat did not eat) (F)

Body position (D)




Lip licking not related to eating (F)




Swallowing not related to eating (F)




Vocalization not related to eating (F)




Tail position (D)




 Curling around feet/body


Tail movement (D)




 Not or slow movement


Activity (D)






 Not stretching and grooming

  1. (D) and (F) indicate the duration and frequency, respectively.