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Table 3 Results of additive Bayesian network. The colors represent the direction of the association with green indicating a positive and red a negative association. The parents are listed in the columns and the children in the rows

From: Additive Bayesian networks for antimicrobial resistance and potential risk factors in non-typhoidal Salmonella isolates from layer hens in Uganda

  1. 1Gender (baseline male versus female); 2 Presence of pets (baseline no versus yes); 3 Farmsize (baseline S: small < 500, M: medium 500 to 1000 and L: large > 1000), M and L compared to S
  2. 4Management (baseline free range and semi-intensive versus intensive); 5 Eggtrays re-use (baseline no versus yes); 6 Vaccinator (baseline PS: private service, S: self or family member, E: employee), S and E compared to PS; 7 Disposal (baseline 1 = burrying, 2 = burning, 3 = throwing away, 4 = giving to animals (dogs and pigs), 5 = drop in a pit); 8 Sulphonamides, 9 Ciprofloxacin, 10 Tetracycline, 11 Trimethoprim, 12 Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, 13 Chloramphenicol, 14 Ampicillin
  3. The colors in the table are interpreted as follows: female manager compared to male manager are less likely to manage an intensive farm compared to a free-range or semi-intensive farm. A female compared to a male manager is more likely to do the vaccinations by herself or a family member compared to a private service. A female manager compared to a male manager is less likely to have an employeee doing the vaccinations compared to do the vaccination herself or a family member