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Table 3 Average depression and respiratory score by treatment group

From: Randomized clinical trial to evaluate the pathogenicity of Bibersteinia trehalosi in respiratory disease among calves


Average peak depression score (Range)

Average peak respiratory score (Range)


0.25 (0–1)

1 (1–1)

Leukotoxin negative B. trehalosi

0.75 (0–2)

1 (0–1)

Leukotoxin postive B. trehalosi

1 (0–2)

1.25 (1–2)

M. haemolytica

2 (0–3)

1.7 (1–3)

M. haemolytica and leukotoxin negative B. trehalosi

1.25 (0–3)

1.25 (0–3)

  1. Average depression and respiratory scores over the course of the study are reported for each treatment group in table format.