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Table 2 Detection of space-occupying lesions

From: Post mortem computed tomography and core needle biopsy in comparison to autopsy in eleven bernese mountain dogs with histiocytic sarcoma

  1. The table shows the localization of space-occupying lesions detected intra vitam and post mortem by computed tomography (CT) and autopsy. Intra vitam identification of space-occupying lesions is marked by the first letter of the method used for detection. Colours are used for the post mortem methods CT and autopsy. Lesions and Organs chosen for histology are marked as well. The two columns HS (histiocytic sarcoma) and RS (reliability score) take into account the results of histology that are shown in Table 3
  2. Blue colour: space-occupying lesion detected by PM-CT; purple colour: space-occupying lesion detected in autopsy
  3. R = space-occupying lesion detected by radiography intra vitam; U = space-occupying lesion detected by ultrasonography intra vitam
  4. P = space-occupying lesion detected by palpation intra vitam; L = space-occupying lesion identified in explorative laparotomy
  5. B = CT-guided core needle biopsy of a lesion (blue field) or an organ without lesion (white field), H = lesion or organ chosen for histology at autopsy, A = autolysis severe, precluding assessment; * = splenectomised intra vitam. S = Suspicion of HS; D = definite Diagnosis; N = no diagnosis; h = hours post mortem when CT or autopsy were performed