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Table 5 Focus group format: key questions and group tasks initiated within each focus group discussion

From: Participatory study of medicinal plants used in the control of gastrointestinal parasites in donkeys in Eastern Shewa and Arsi zones of Oromia region, Ethiopia

Key question

Participatory activity

Which animals / species do you consider are affected by worms / gastrointestinal parasites?

List responses

How do you know that an animal has worms? What signs do you see?

List responses

Construct matrix of species and signs of worms

What do you use to treat worms in your donkey / cattle and small ruminant? (List and then rank by preference / efficacy within each species)

List treatments

Rank by preference / efficacy within each species

Why do you use these plants?

Matrix and group discussion

A matrix was constructed with each plant species named and matrix headings were cost, ease of use, availability, side effects, when particular worm seen, animal species treated and benefits working ability.

The matrix was filled in with + / - or neutral for each column.

Additional questions were asked during discussions:

Where do you get the plant from?

How do you know that it is effective?

If plant based remedies not volunteered for worms–why not?

Do you or anyone in your village use plant based treatments for anything else?

Are there any circumstances where you would return to the use of plant based treatments?

Would you spend money on worming your donkeys?

Group discussion

If you thought a plant was effective against worms would you grow it specifically to use in your donkeys?

Group discussion

Are there people in the village that know about or supply plant based treatments for wormers?

Group discussion